Gerry Gormley



Gerry Gormley is a native of Meath but has spent the best part of a decade in the west side of Wicklow, including Dunlavin, Donard, and Baltinglass, and is now a permanent resident in Kiltegan with his young family.

He is a musician and poet who has recently delved into filmmaking. The last short film he wrote and produced was filmed in Baltinglass and the Sally Gap. It is titled ‘The Passenger’ and focuses on men’s mental health and the stigma still attached to it being discussed.

It recently won an award at the Boyne Valley International Film Festival.

His next film project is titled, ‘Trash’. It is a comedy horror. He wrote the script after becoming increasingly frustrated with the fact that some people have a blatant disregard for our beautiful countryside.

The underlying theme is directly related to illegal dumping. Funding has been received from Wicklow County Council/Creative Places Baltinglass, which has gotten the production off the ground.

The core idea of the film, apart from making people laugh, is to highlight the natural be of our area and try to make people think twice about taking such actions.

He based the script on local folklore involving the many fairy forts we have in our area and that if you anger the fairies (By throwing a bag of rubbish on the side of the road), there will be consequences.


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Gerry Gormley
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