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Coaching and Mentoring for Baltinglass & West Wicklow Artists 2023

This scheme was designed for Baltinglass and West Wicklow artists who wish to develop their socially engaged practice or work with communities

Full details below ↓

Coaching and Mentoring for Baltinglass & West Wicklow Artists 2023
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About the event

Up to five artists will be offered the opportunity to engage in this development programme, which combines coaching and mentoring methods.

The selected artists will participate in group and one-to-one sessions with the facilitators Paula Phelan and Katherine Zesserson. 

The structure of the programme involves a commitment from selected artists to attend all five sessions. 

Session Guide:

Session 1: Group of 5 artists together 

Sessions 2 – 4:  Three individual 1.5 hour one-toone-sessions with a facilitator

Session 5: Group of 5 artists together

There is no fee to participate. The programme is offered through Creative Places Baltinglass to increase the capacity of local artists to work in the community in either an individual or collaboratively based way. 

Some aspects of the programme are offered in a group setting so that peer connections can be made as part of the process.    

The group sessions will discuss what is meant by socially engaged / participatory arts practice and identify the key opportunities and challenges in working in this area. They will offer an opportunity for artists to reflect on their practice and identify areas for growth and development. The individual sessions will support each artist in identifying their goals and priorities to help find direction and creative resilience and to receive feedback on particular areas of their work from the facilitators. 

This opportunity is designed to support artists working in a community context as opposed to those pursuing or teaching an art form. 

Timeframe:  Applications will open on Monday,the 6th of November. The closing date is the 30th of November, 2023, 4 pm. 

Application Link: 

Programme Timeline: December 2023 – March 2024 

How to apply:

Submit your application form via the Submittable platform


In your application, you will be asked to answer the following questions:

  • Why would you benefit from participating in this programme?
  • What are your goals for 2024 in working in a socially engaged / community participatory practice? 
  • How long have you been working in a community context?
  • What age range are the people you generally work with
  • Upload an up-to-date C.V. (max 2 pages)

The closing date for applications is Thursday, the 30th of November, at 4pm.

Artist feedback from last year’s sessions:

'The coaching helped me to clear away the fog to see where I am and how I might proceed from here.'

‘The coaching taught me how to set boundaries with my time, recognise my worth as an artist and the work I create, and find a new voice within my work.'

'I thoroughly enjoyed chatting to my Coach about my projects but also how to ensure I take care of myself around these projects.'



Katherine Zeserson is a strategic advisor, coach, facilitator, artist and educator. She believes in the power of reflective practice to inspire human development and build compassionate communities.  Katherine qualified as a coach with Relational Dynamics 1st in 2016 and has a varied free-lance portfolio combining one-to-one coaching and mentoring; organisational and leadership development; creative practice as a musician and writer; design and delivery of professional training in a wide range of third-sector contexts; speaking engagements and guest lecturing.  She often works at the intersections between leadership culture and creative practice.



Kildare native Paula originally trained as a musician and has had a varied career across 20 years in the Arts and community sectors. She advocates strongly for the well-being of creatives and believes in the power of person-centred coaching as a methodology to enable growth. Paula is the founder of Traverso Coaching and Training and is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, where she holds senior practitioner accreditation. Alongside her coaching practice, Paula designs and delivers training, supports strategic thinking and evaluation and advises on youth arts programming.

Creative Places Baltinglass is managed by Wicklow County Arts Office and is funded by the Arts Council, as part of the national Creative Places Programme.

Time & Booking Details

November 30, 2023 4:00 PM


Booking Required?

Apply via Submittable

A painter mixes colours photo by alicia zinn from PexelsStorytelling time at Cruinniu in BaltinglassDance image by yogendra singh from Pexels

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